Cara Aktivasi BOLT Dari Android

Kehadiran BOLT! sebagai penyedia layanan internet super cepat sempat menjadi perbincangan di tanah air ini. Menggunakan layanan LTE (Long Term Evolution) menjadikan BOL operator pertama di Indonesia. Sayangnya, area jangkauan masih terbatas (JABODETABEK), membuat banyak kendala sering dijumpai. Meski demikian di coverage areanya BOLT! tetap menjadi alternatif menarik yang bisa menjadi pilihan saat mengakses internet.

Untuk aktivasi, BOLT! Menawarkan jalur khusus sendiri melalui sistem resminya di Namun tahapannya masih agak membingungkan. Nah kini, Internux sebagai pemilik BOLT! menawarkan alternatif yang lebih mudah dengan menghadirkan aplikasi MyBolt! yang bisa diunduh dari Google Play. Berikut ini caranya :

Langkah ke-1 :
Setelah instalasi, jalankan aplikasi ini, masukkan nomor BOLT serta passwordnya yang digunakan. Layaknya aplikasi berbasis password, anda juga akan menemukan tautan jika lupa password. Begitu pula terdapat tautan untuk melakukan aktivasi ke nomor baru.

Langkah ke-2 :
Halaman pertama akan menampilkan informasi yang dimiliki oleh pengguna dimana didalamnya terdapat nama pengguna, nomor BOLT, tipe produk yang digunakan, sisa pulsa, serta sisa paket data dalam GB dan masa berlakunya.

Langkah ke-3 :
Jika ingin mengisi pulsa, anda bisa masuk ke Kategori Pembelian. Masuk ke Isi Ulang Pulsa untuk mendapatkan informasi tentang lokasi dimana dan bisa melakukan pembelian pulsa BOLT!. Dan proses pembelian bisa dilakukan di gerai atau lokasi yang telah disebutkan pada halaman ini.

Langkah ke-4 :
Setelah membeli pulsa di gerai atau lokasi yag ada, anda belum bisa langsung mendapatkan paket internet. Untuk itu harus mengaktifkannya terlebih dahulu. Masuk ke kategori Beli Paket Data. Nantinya akan tertera sisa pulsa yang anda miliki dan dari sini anda bisa memilih paket yang tersedia. Pastikan jumlah pulsa cukup untuk membayar harga paket data yang ditawarkan.

Langkah ke-5 :
Setelah dipilih akan tampil konfirmasi mengenai paket data yang dipilih dan nantinya pulsa anda akan terpotong sesuai dengan pembelian. Tekan "Beli" untuk konfirmasi, setelah selesai, otomatis anda sudah mengaktifkan paket dan bisa langsung menggunakannya untuk ber-internet.

Jika ingin melihat atau mengganti profil, merubah password, atau mendapatkan riwayat pembelian, anda bisa masuk ke Kategori menu Folder. Sedangkan menu Info akan memberikan informais seputar produk BOLT.

Cara Daftar Dan Harga Paket BB Blackberry SmartFren Terbaru 2014

Daftar Harga Paket BB Blackberry SmartFren Terbaru 2014 - Hai bagi sobat InfoNewbi yang menggunakan Hp BB "berjenis kelamin" CDMA hehe... ada 2 operator paket BB yang bisa sobat pergunakan yakni aha (esia) dan smartfren, Nah kalo boleh memilih lebih baik pake paket BB Blackberry smartfren ajh selain murah jaringannya pun luas ( bukan promosi apalagi iklan, lah di bayar jg kaga ) ini ciyus berdasarkan para pengguna BB CDMA mereka lebih nyaman dan hemat pake smartfren, tp jgn lupa kualitas sinyal jg perlu di pertimbangkan karena pada suatu tempat ada yang aha lebih kuat sinyalnya namun pada tempat lain smartfren lebih kuat. Jadi silahkan di hunting dulu sinyal mana yg kualitas jaringannya lebih top nah itu yg dipilih.

Daftar Harga Paket BB Blackberry SmartFren Terbaru 2013
Daftar Harga Paket BB Blackberry SmartFren Terbaru 2014
Baiklah disini saya hanya akan membahas Daftar Harga Paket BB Blackberry SmartFren Terbaru 2014 yang terdiri dari 7 paket yang bersumber dari SmartFren nya langsung, yang bisa sobat pergunakan sesuai kebutuhan dan kondisi kantong juga tentunya. :D nah silahkan di simak bagian demi bagian paket BB smartfren jagn sampai salah pilih ya... cek it bro...

Daftar Harga Paket BB Blackberry SmartFren Terbaru 2014

I. Harga Paket BB SmartFren Hebat
Paket Hebat
Masa Aktif
1 Hari
30 Hari

Paket BB SmartFren hebat ini menawarkan akses:
  • Bowsing Internet
  • BBM
  • Chat, YM, Gtalk,Msn, Whatsapp, dll
  • Social media (facebookan & Twitteran)
  • Email
  • Unlimited Streaming Video (youtube) & musik
  • Bisa dijadikan modem
Cara daftar paket BB smartfren hebat:
Harian: ketik sms = ON [spasi] HEBAT1 kirim ke 2233
Bulanan: ketik sms = ON [spasi] HEBAT30 kirim ke 2233

II. Paket BB SmartFren Hemat
Paket Hemat
Masa Aktif
1 Hari
30 Hari

Paket Hemat ini bisa digunakan untuk:
  • Internet Bowsing
  • BBM
  • Chat YM, Gtalk, Msn, WhatsApp, dll
  • Social media (facebookan & twitteran)
  • Email
  • Unlimited Streaming Video (youtube) & musik  (kuota 1GB)
  • Bisa dijadikan modem
Cara daftar paket BB smartfren hemat:
Harian: ketik sms = ON [spasi] HEMAT1 kirim ke 2233
Bulanan: ketik sms = ON [spasi] HEMAT30 kirim ke 2233

III. Paket BB SmartFren Simple
Paket Simple
Masa Aktif
1 Hari
30 Hari

Paket Simple ini mendukung:
  • Bowsing Internetan
  • BBM-an
  • Chatting YM,Gtalk,Msn, dll
  • Social media (facebook & twitter)
  • Push Email
Cara Daftar Paket BB SmartFren Simple:
Harian: ketik sms = ON [spasi] SIMPLE1 kirim ke 2233
Bulanan: ketik sms = ON [spasi] SIMPLE30 kirim ke 2233

VI. Paket BB SmartFren Mail
Paket Mail
Masa Aktif
1 Hari
30 Hari

Paket BB SmartFren Mail untuk:
  • Push Email
  • BBm-an
  • Chatting YM,Gtalk,Msn, dll
Cara daftar paket bb smartfren mail:
Harian: ketik sms = ON [spasi] MAIL1 kirim ke 2233
Bulanan: ketik sms = ON [spasi] MAIL30 kirim ke 2233

V. Paket BB SmartFren Social
Paket Social
Masa Aktif
1 Hari
30 Hari

Paket BB Social Ini mendukung akses:
  • BBMan
  • Chat YM,Gtalk,Msn, dll
  • Social media (facebook & twitter)
Cara daftar paket BB smartfren social:
Harian: ketik sms = ON [spasi] SOCIAL1 kirim ke 2233
Bulanan: ketik sms = ON [spasi] SOCIAL30 kirim ke 2233

VI. Paket BB SmartFren Sosialita
Paket Social
Masa Aktif
1 Hari
30 Hari

Paket Social Ini mendukung akses:
  • BBMan
  • Browsing Internetan
  • Social media (facebook & twitter)
Cara daftar paket BB blackberry smartfren social:
Harian: ketik sms = ON [spasi] SOSIALITA1 kirim ke 2233
Bulanan: ketik sms = ON [spasi] SOSIALITA30 kirim ke 2233

VII. Paket BBM SmartFren
Paket BBM
Masa Aktif
3 Bulan
3 Bulan
Paket BBM smartfren ini hanya bisa untuk mengakses BBM saja ( Blackberry Messenger ) dan berlaku hanya untuk pelanggan prabayar
Cara daftar paket bbm smartfren:
Ketik sms = ON [spasi] BBM90 kirim ke 2233

Note: Harga Semua Paket BB SmartFren Di Atas Sudah Termasuk PPN 10%

Cara UNREG Paket BB BlackBerry SmartFren Untuk Semua Type di atas adalah dengan cara ketik : OFF Kirim Ke 2233

Panduan Aktivasi Paket BlackBerry BB SmartFren

Panduan Aktivasi
  1. Sesudah melakukan aktivasi layanan BB SmartFren, silahkan restart BlackBerry sobat supaya proses registrasi dapat berjalan dengan sempurna. Pastikan indikator sinyalnya sudah 1XEV/3G  sesudah registrasi dinyatakan berhasil.
  2. Jika setelah restart, indikator sinyal masih 1xev/3G dapat melakukan pengiriman Service Book. Service Book merupakan daftar configuration yang tersedia dalam BB Blackberry untuk layanan email, social networking, chatting, dll. Service Book dapat dikirimkan dengan cara :
  3. OS 4.0 / 5.0 Menu > Option > Advanced Option > Host Routing Table > Tekan Menu  > Register Now
  4. OS 6.0 / 7.0 Menu > Option > Device > Advanced System Settings > Host Routing Table > Tekan Menu   > Register Now
Bila Masih terdapat masalah dengan proses aktivasi dalam pendaftaran paket BB smartfren silahkan langsung saja hubungi customer care SmartFren ke nomor 888.

Sekian info mengenai Daftar Harga Paket BB Blackberry SmartFren Terbaru 2014 semoga bermanfaat untuk sobat Gadgetter dan selamat menikmati ber-Paket BB ria menggunakan SmartFren. :D

Membuat Email dengan Domain Sendiri di / Hotmail

Punya alamat email dengan domain milik sendiri pasti lebih keren daripada pakai email gratisan kan? :D Anda bisa membuat email pribadi seperti atau, pastinya lebih bonafit dan prestisius. Kalau Anda sudah punya nama domain dan hosting sendiri, membuat alamat email seperti itu sangat mudah. Tapi kalau Anda:
  • Belum punya hosting dan tidak berminat punya hosting, dalam arti Anda hanya perlu nama domain untuk email saja dan tidak perlu membangun website.
  • Sudah punya hosting tapi banyak menerima email sehingga space hosting Anda cepat habis atau bahkan sampai membebani kinerja server hosting.
Maka Anda dapat memanfaatkan untuk menjadi back-end email Anda, tetap dengan domain milik Anda sendiri. Dulu Anda dapat melakukan hal ini menggunakan Google dengan Google Apps-nya. Sebetulnya sekarang juga masih bisa, tapi sayangnya Google Apps sekarang sudah tidak ada versi gratis lagi. Nah, kebetulan Microsoft memberikan layanan ini secara cuma-cuma :thumb4: Jadi kenapa tidak kita manfaatkan saja?
Oh ya, ada lho yang membuka jasa pembuatan email dengan menggunakan domain sendiri ini. Sebenarnya caranya mudah sekali, kalau bisa sendiri kenapa harus keluar uang untuk menggunakan jasa orang lain? Kalau sudah tahu caranya, malah Anda yang bisa buka jasa seperti itu :mrgreen: Walaupun kelihatan panjang prosesnya, tapi sebetulnya simple sekali koq, yuk kita lihat bagaimana caranya (di sini saya menggunakan contoh domain blog ini:
  1. Masuk ke, lalu login dengan account atau atau hotmail Anda. Kalau belum punya, buat saja, gratis koq :)
  2. Setelah login, klik Get Started.
    email custom domain hotmail
  3. Masukkan nama domain Anda, lalu klik Continue.
    email custom domain
  4. Masukkan captcha, lalu klik I Accept
    email dengan domain milik sendiri
  5. Anda akan dibawa ke halaman dimana terdapat instruksi untuk mengubah / menambah record-record di server Anda.Ingat! Kalau Anda sudah punya hosting sendiri dan domain Anda sudah diarahkan ke hosting tersebut, maka record-record yang harus diubah / ditambahkan ini harus Anda lakukan dari dalam account hosting Anda, bukan dari account registrar Anda. Misalnya Anda beli domain di NameCheap dan sudah mengarahkannya ke hosting Anda di HostGator, maka record-record ini harus Anda tambahkan dari cPanel-nya account Anda di HostGator.
    Tapi kalau Anda beli domain di NameCheap dan tidak menggunakan hosting (dalam hal ini servernya masih menggunakan default-nya NameCheap), maka Anda harus menambah record-record tersebut dari dalam account NameCheap Anda.
    Di contoh ini, karena domain saya sudah punya hosting sendiri yang menggunakan cPanel, maka contoh yang saya tunjukkan di sini adalah contoh untuk menambah record-record tersebut di cPanel. Kalau hosting Anda tidak menggunakan cPanel atau Anda tidak menggunakan hosting, silakan hubungi support untuk menanyakan bagaimana cara menambahkan record-record tersebut bila Anda mengalami kesulitan.
  6. Lihat setting yang harus Anda buat di bagian Mail setup (required), lalu copy nilai MX server-nya, seperti ini:

    Yang di-copy adalah (nilai ini berbeda-beda untuk setiap domain ya).
  7. Login ke cPanel account hosting Anda.
  8. Klik MX Entry.
    custom email with
  9. Pilih domain Anda.
    custom email with hotmail
  10. Scroll sedikit ke bawah, buat record baru dengan mengisikan Priority dengan angka 10 dan Destination dengan nilai MX Record yang sudah Anda copy sebelumnya, lalu klik Add New Record.
  11. Di bawahnya, MX Record yang baru Anda tambahkan akan muncul. Hapus saja record yang sudah ada sebelumnya dengan meng-klik Delete di sebelahnya:

    sehingga menjadi seperti ini:
  12. Kembali ke Home cPanel Anda, lalu klik Advanced DNS Zone Editor.
  13. Pilih domain Anda, lalu buat TXT record dengan value yang dapat Anda lihat di halaman Windows Live Admin Center tadi, di bawah Server trust (recommended).

    Di Name, masukkan nama domain Anda. Di TTL, masukkan angka 3600. Untuk Type, pilih TXT. Dan untuk TXT data, copy value-nya (untuk contoh saya: v=spf1 ~all). Lalu klik Add Record.

    Hal ini diperlukan supaya email Anda tidak akan dianggap sebagai spam.
  14. Klik Refresh di bagian atas.
  15. Apabila berhasil, maka Anda akan langsung dibawa ke halaman untuk menambahkan account:

    Ada kemungkinan Anda tidak akan langsung dibawa ke halaman untuk menambahkan account ini, tetapi Anda mendapatkan pesan bahwa Anda harus membuktikan kepemilikan domain tersebut. Kalau ini terjadi, lakukan hal yang sama seperti langkah sebelumnya, dengan menggunakan setting di bawah Prove domain ownership (optional). Bisa ya.. :wink2:
  16. Tambahkan alamat email Anda dengan mengklik Add, dan isikan seperti ini:

    Account name adalah nama yang akan menjadi alamat email Anda. Di contoh di atas, account name saya isikan dengan jimmy, maka alamat email yang akan dibuat
  17. Klik OK dan selesai!

    Anda dapat menambahkan account-account lainnya (misalnya untuk pacar, kakak, adik, ayah, ibu dll) sampai dengan maksimal 50 account.
  18. Untuk mengakses email Anda, langsung saja login di atau atau Username anda adalah alamat email yang baru Anda buat, begitu juga passwordnya adalah password yang baru Anda buat.
Gimana, gampang banget kan? :tongue2: Yang panjang di atas itu hanya tutorialnya, sebetulnya langkah-langkahnya sederhana saja koq.. Selamat mencoba!

Follow these 6 Tips to Protect Your Business from Spear Phishing Attacks

Spear phishing is a growing problem, with half of all IT professionals reporting that their organization has been targeted by such a specialized attack. In more than a third of these cases, login credentials were compromised and corporate IT systems accessed. Could your business recover from such an attack? Read on to discover six key ways to protect your firm from the growing dangers of spear phishing.

1) Learn the Basics of Spear Phishing

Most IT professionals are familiar with the term “phishing,” which describes the practice of sending emails mimicking correspondence from reputable companies in order to gain personal information like passwords and credit card details from recipients.

Spear phishing is an evolution of this phenomenon — online attackers target prey like fishermen with a sophisticated ploy that works like a proverbial spear. Rather than sending out a mass number of e-mails and seeing what comes back, spear phishers have a specific target in mind. And that specific target could be no less than your company and the sensitive data its servers hold.

2) Create Policies to Protect Sensitive Data

The first step to keeping your company’s sensitive data safe is deciding what information is sensitive. This might include your employee’s login details and customer credit card numbers. It could also encompass any number of internal reports and accounting details.Even inane and seemingly innocuous bits of data could be open game, because this information could be leveraged in unforeseen ways in the wrong hands.

Once this data is identified, you should build policies to keep it as secure as possible. For example, you might protect company log-ins by ensuring employees don’t share their details with others and making it mandatory to change passwords every month. You might also ensure that only key staff members can access customer credit card details.

3) Encrypt Sensitive Data

Encrypting sensitive data ensures that it’s useless to a spear phisherman if they do get past your company’s defenses. Encryption software will turn your private company emails and corporate information into a garbled mess, which can only be read using an encryption key. Despite its effectiveness, around 26 percent of organizations don’t have encryption measures protecting databases of sensitive company information. That means more than a quarter of businesses are especially vulnerable to spear phishing attacks.

Using encryption software can also improve your reputation among consumers. When they see the secure padlock in their browsers, they’ll feel more comfortable sharing sensitive data with your website.

4) Educate Employees on Spear Phishing

Spear phishermen can send their emails or social network messages to any company employee, so it’s important to educate your entire workforce about the threat.

Encourage them to treat emails and social network messages with suspicion, even if they contain personal information. Teach workers that spear phishers use social networking pages and company websites to obtain such details, so they should always have their guard up. That’s especially true for correspondence which refers to current news event or asks for immediate action, as these are common spear phishing tricks.

Recipients should consider the tone of any correspondence they receive and whether it’s what they’d expect from the sender. Spear phishers might be able to find out the name and email address of a colleague, but they won’t be able to mimic his writing style. For example, an employee should hear alarm bells if a normally chatty co-worker sends a one-line email stating, “Click this link.”

Employees should learn never to download an attachment unless they’re positive it’s come from the source they expect, and to type URLs into their browser rather than simply clicking on emailed links. Teach workers to hover over links to verify their authenticity in emails and web browsers.

A British study found just 30.5 percent of small to medium business owners would hesitate before clicking on an email link directing them to the nation’s Her Majesty’s Revenue and Customs department. This figure is particularly troubling, as most spear phishing emails purport to come from financial institutions. Employees should also know to never visit websites mentioned in online correspondence unless they trust them.

5) Use On-Premises Security Products to Keep Systems Safe

A range of on-premises security products, including anti-virus software, firewalls, and secure web gateways, are designed to keep the bad guys out. If an employee accidentally downloads malware or a virus with an attachment, anti-virus software can detect the problem before it does damage. Firewalls and secure Web gateways work together to ensure workers don’t access parts of the web that will place your company’s security at risk.

However, it’s important to note that while these solutions are useful, they will not block all spear phishing attacks. For example, users might still download a malicious application from a link situated inside the company firewall or embedded in a fraudulent program update. A new virus can also infiltrate if anti-virus software is not updated to recognize it.

New programs, known as Advanced Persistent Threat (APT) software, aim to detect rather than prevent spear-phishing attacks. These cloud-based programs monitor communication, which takes place using a company’s IP address or web interface domain. When it discovers that unauthorized communication is taking place within a botnet traffic, the system alerts the organization of the malware threat.

Unlike traditional security solutions, APT software does not rely on signatures. This means it can detect a spear phishing attack using brand new malware and viruses that may not be recognized by more conventional security programs. As detection is based on evidence, companies also aren’t bothered by false positives.

6) Be Vigilant in Detecting Threats

Security programs can play an important part in preventing an attack, but nothing is foolproof.

Business owners should be vigilant in monitoring their networks for any unusual activity. Studies show that two-thirds of network breaches aren’t discovered for many months. In fact, the average hacker spends eight months accessing a victim’s computer network before being detected. That’s plenty of time for an experienced spear phisherman to access all kinds of information that could cripple a company.

Another weak spot that calls for vigilance involves telecommuting employees — particularly ones who access sensitive data via an unsecure public WiFi in places like the local coffee house. This can potentially leave company information open to lurkers and hackers, who can then use that data (for instance) as part of a more complex spear-phishing attack. A sound company policy in this respect would be to require employees to use a VPN Service whenever they’re using a public network, or to disallow access from these networks altogether.

It’s worth noting that 63 percent of company data breaches are disclosed by third-party sources, including media outlets. This rattles consumer confidence to such a degree that many companies never recover. Your business should certainly focus on prevention to prevent spear phishing attacks, but it’s also important to concentrate on early detection to minimize the impact of any security breach.

Spear phishing is a growing threat across the Web, but these important measures can ensure your company doesn’t become the next victim. Has your company ever been a victim of spear-phishing attacks? Tell us about your experiences in the comments below.

The Internet of Things: What is It and What are the Associated Risks?

Imagine living in a home where all the objects and appliances in your house are connected, talk to each other, and respond to your needs. You wake up and the coffee is brewed and ready to be served. You come home from work and your favorite TV channel is automatically turned on. These truly smart inventions show us where the Internet of Things is heading, but at what cost?

Tech expert Kevin Ashton coined the term “Internet of Things” way back in 1999. The concept was in its infancy then, but it meant to describe the connection of everyday objects, or things, to the internet. These objects, including conventional connected devices and smart appliances, work together on a system to respond to consumer needs.

Familiar Internet of Things devices include the smart TV and fridge, but eventually these appliances will be considered a basic use of the technology. Companies including ThingWorx3 and are developing appliances that seamlessly retrieve knowledge without people searching for it.

Smart Appliances Can be Hacked

We’re all told to install antivirus software and spyware detectors on our PCs and laptops to keep our data safe, but we have no such strategies to protect our smart appliances. Experts suggest these innovative gadgets are just as vulnerable, so it’s little wonder nine out of ten Americans worry their information will be stolen from a smart appliance.

The threat became real when hackers penetrated home-networking routers, multimedia centers, smart TVs, and at least one smart television to create a botnet in late 2013. Hackers used this platform to deliver more than 750,000 malicious emails to targeted recipients between December 26, 2013 and January 6, 2014.

More than a quarter of the messages were sent from devices other than laptops, mobile devices, and desktop computers. With so many different internet-ready devices at their disposal, the hackers sent a maximum of 10 emails from any one source. This made the attack very difficult to block. California security firm Proofpoint said the case has “significant security implications” for the owners of these devices.

“Proofpoint’s findings reveal that cyber criminals have begun to commandeer home routers, smart appliances and other components of the internet of things and transform them into ‘thingbots’, to carry out the same kinds of attacks normally associated with personal computers,” said a company statement.

Catalin Cosoi, the chief security strategist at Bitdefender doesn’t believe “the bad guys have understood the benefits for them of making use of such things yet,” but she’s sure that time will come.

If hackers broke into the security cameras of a business, they could see exactly how the company worked, and use the information for industrial espionage. If hackers attacked the internet-enabled door locks showcased at the Consumer Electronics Show, the safety of homeowners and their possessions could be compromised. Clearly, spam emails are just the tip of the iceberg.

Smart Appliances Often Aren’t Protected

Proofpoint believes hackers may find smart appliances attractive because they often have less security than computers and tablets. “Many of these devices are poorly protected at best and consumers have virtually no way to detect or fix infections when they do occur,” explained said David Knight, Proofpoint’s general manager of Information Security Products Group. “Enterprises may find distributed attacks increasing as more and more of these devices come online and attackers find additional ways to exploit them.”

The situation doesn’t look like it’s changing, with Cisco research director David Orain affirming that “it is impossible to put security software on every object.”

The Internet of Things Raises Privacy Concerns

When you sign up to a website’s mailing list or purchase a product from your smartphone, you know who you’re sharing your information with and making an educated judgment about whether the company will use your data responsibly. Nevertheless, do you know who can access the information you share on an internet-ready appliance, or how they’ll use it?

40% of information technology experts say this lack of knowledge should be consumers’ chief concern about the Internet of Things. They also believe that the way this information is used will be of real concern as the Internet of Things gains momentum.

You might not mind whether someone discovers your love of action flicks through your smart TV, but you’d be more protective of your privacy if they learned when you were home by monitoring the electricity use on your smart meter. As the items within the Internet of Things work together and compile a more complete picture of you, the risk to privacy will become a greater concern.

Your Sensitive Data Often Isn’t Stored Safely

Have you ever thought about what happens to your data once you submit it? You probably assume that it goes straight to an internet service gateway, but this often isn’t the case. Many early smart meters, for example, send it to a local data collation hub where it sits ready for bulk collection later. This process sees sensitive data sitting vulnerably in unsecured locations for an undetermined period. These electricity meters are one of many internet-ready devices that work this way, leaving our data exposed without our knowledge.

The Internet of Things Raises Access Issues

When we use traditional internet devices, we rely on usernames and passwords to establish our connection and gain access to sensitive information. However, in the Internet of Things, we are generally connected without any login credentials.

This is problematic, because there is no checking mechanism to ensure we are what we say we are. There’s also no easy way to alter the information a smart device has collected if circumstances change.

With the Internet of Things, it’s also not just people that need identifying but the objects involved. For example, consider a system, which monitors livestock to identify whether cows show symptoms of diseases. A farmer must know that the cows he’s monitoring are the ones in his paddock, especially if he buys and sells some of his herd. He must also ensure only his trusted employees can access the system.

The internet of things has the potential to enhance our lives, but before we dive right in it’s important that we consider the risks and implement the necessary security measures to protect our privacy and data.

Tips for a Fantastic Sochi Olympics Experience

It’s expected that around 213,000 sports fans will descend on Sochi, Russia this February for the XXII Olympic Winter Games, including more than 53,000 international guests.

If you’re one of the visitors preparing to make the journey, consider these tips to make the most of your stay in the winter sports capital.

Get Your Travel Documents in Order

All Americans traveling to Russia require a valid U.S. passport and visa. For Russian authorities to grant your visa, it’s necessary that your passport is valid for at least six months after you’re planning to leave the country.

If you haven’t sorted yours out yet, don’t stress. Olympics spectators can enjoy same-day processing when they present a games ticket or confirmation of ticket purchase. Visit the Russian Embassy in Washington, D.C.’s website to learn more about obtaining your visa.

Your passport is more than just a stamp collection. All valid passports must have the signature of the passport holder. You should also complete the emergency information page to make sure your contacts are easily notified if you get into trouble abroad.

Your valid games ticket isn’t enough to guarantee your entry into Olympic Park. Visitors must also apply for a spectator pass, which you must present along with your event ticket. You can apply online before you go or get yours from one of five registration centers in Sochi, Moscow, and Krasnodar.

Once you touch down in Russia, make sure you keep your travel documents close. Local police officers can stop travelers and request to see these documents at any time, for any reason. Keeping these documents on your person will make any random checks run more smoothly.

Protect Your Health with Overseas Medical Insurance Coverage

The XXII Olympic Winter Games are the first large-scale event to ever be staged in Sochi, so it’s uncertain how the city’s infrastructure will cope in the case of a medical emergency. Medical care in many parts of Russia also doesn’t meet the standard that Western travelers expect. Getting the right overseas coverage is the best way to make certain you get the best care if your health suffers in Sochi.

The U.S. State Department recommends that travelers to the games take out private medical evacuation and repatriation insurance, as well as standard overseas medical insurance coverage. These policies will offer the protection you need to make sure any health problems don’t become major headaches.

Use a VPN App

A VPN app is one of the most useful apps while traveling abroad. First, it secures your web session by encrypting your internet communications. This is very important when accessing unsecured WiFi networks. When surfing the Internet using a public Wi-Fi connection, you put your sensitive data at risk. Even using a password-protected network offers no security guarantees, as people can intercept your transmissions.

To protect yourself from hackers and cybercriminals while surfing the Internet, install a VPN app such as the Hotspot Shield VPN app before you leave home. This app creates a network-within-a-network, so you can protect your IP address and personal information from hackers. It’ll also protect you from nasty malware and phishing scams which can easily derail your vacation.

The other useful benefit of a VPN for travelers is that it enables you to stream Netflix, HULU, or BBC. By using a VPN service, you can connect to a VPN server in the U.S. or in the U.K. and use your accounts to access these services.

Finally, the app also allows you to bypass Russia’s Internet censorship rules. While the rest of Russia might be forbidden from viewing certain content, you can freely browse Facebook, YouTube, and other flagged sites as easily in Sochi as you can back home.

Join the Smart Traveler Enrollment Program

The Smart Traveler Enrollment Program, or STEP, will keep you up to date with safety and security information you need to know once you touch down. Registering for this free program will also make it easy for your loved ones to get in touch with you in case of emergency. Remember to select “Moscow” as the Local Embassy or Consulate when you complete your online enrollment.

The free SMART Traveler app is a great companion for this program, as it allows you to manage your STEP account from your mobile device once you arrive in Russia.

Pack the Right Clothes

Sochi enjoys an average February temperature of 47 degrees Fahrenheit, which should make the XXII Winter Olympics one of the warmest winter games ever. However, it’s important that you don’t underestimate the cold. During the same month, Los Angeles enjoys typical temperatures between 68 and 50, and in Houston it tends to range between 67 and 48. That makes Sochi colder in February than many of America’s most populated cities.

Sochi’s temperatures tend to fluctuate, so you’ll feel most comfortable if you dress in layers. This is particularly important if you plan on seeing outdoor events, where the climate isn’t controlled.

American visitors might feel patriotic during the Winter Olympics, but they may want to avoid wearing the traditional red, white, and blue. The U.S. State Department has urged Olympic athletes against wearing their uniforms outside accredited areas to avoid inspiring an attack in this volatile region. It seems smart for American supporters to heed the same advice.

Keep an Eye on the Sochi 2014 Website

Can you imagine traveling all the way to Sochi to see your favorite winter sports, only to miss them? It could happen if you don’t keep your eye on the Sochi 2014 website. Games organizers remind spectators that event times are subject to change. The Sochi 2014 website will always contain the most current Winter Olympics information, so bookmark it and make sure you check it regularly.

Plan Your Travel

Sochi is becoming known as one of the most compact Olympic Winter Games ever, with its 11 venues located within less than 30 miles of each other. A new railway ensures visitors can travel from the Coastal Cluster venues to the Mountain Cluster in less than 30 minutes. However, that doesn’t mean you should be complacent about your travel plans.

To guarantee your games vacation runs smoothly, check the transport routes and plan your journey ahead of time. Ensure you’ve got enough time to travel from one venue to the next, and pass the necessary security checks. This is the best way to make sure you won’t miss any of the action.

With some careful planning and these tips in mind, you can enjoy every minute of your Sochi Winter Olympics trip.

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